
Jessie Emeric Photography

Proposal Tips: Choosing Where to Propose


Through the years, I’ve documented many proposals and helped pull off epic surprise proposals. Proposing in a unique and meaningful way and having a photographer there to document it shows you put a lot of effort into your proposal and really makes your partner feel loved and appreciated.

I decided to share a bit of what I’ve learned throughout the years of what works, what doesn’t, and how to ensure your proposal goes down perfectly! So, if you are thinking of proposing, this post is for you! Keep reading! And, if you know someone who’s talking about proposing or if you want to drop a little hint to your special someone, please share this post with them and be on the look out for upcoming tips soon!

Earlier, I shared tips on choosing when to propose. You can check it out HERE. Once you choose your date, it’s now time to choose your location. As a Las Vegas photographer, the vast majority of my couples come from out of town. I usually get inquiries from the partner that wants to propose during their vacation to Vegas. I love the idea of tying your proposal to a trip, especially a trip to Vegas (wink wink) It really makes for some amazing memories and the city will definitely have a special place in your hearts. I’ll work closely with you to ensure that we find a location in Vegas, that is perfect for you and your partner!



Aside from choosing to propose during a trip to Vegas, you can also choose to propose in your hometown. If Vegas is your home or not, it’s always nice to consider a location that has a special meaning to your relationship or to your partner. Once you have a few ideas in mind, it’s time to narrow things down. Start by asking yourself these questions: Is the location easy to get to? Should it be private or in a public setting? Will it be crowded during the time we plan to be there? Do I need a photography permit? What would we wear? How will I get my partner there?


When you book me to help you plan and photograph your proposal, these are all questions that I will go over with you. We’ll walk through the different scenarios and consider all the options and the different variables that will go into the day. What works for one couple, may not work for you. What one couple considers romantic, you and your partner may consider boring. It’s best to plan your proposal to be special for you and your relationship. With a little planning and maybe some help from me, I promise you’ll have an epic proposal! The next thing to consider when planning to propose is how will you propose? Be on the lookout for some tips on this topic coming soon!

If you’re ready to pop the question and would like to have me help you plan and photograph that amazing moment, let’s chat soon! Click HERE so we can get in touch and start planning her dream proposal!

engagements, proposals



Proposal Tips: Choosing Where to Propose

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